
MKN is often hired by our clients to deliver plans and specifications for their future construction projects. These documents serve as a guideline for the bidding process and provide details for the contractor and construction management team, so the project runs smoothly with minimal conflicts.

Upfront Documents (“Contract Documents”)

Upfront or Division 00 documents define the contractual requirements for a construction project. Many upfronts are available through individual agency standard forms, the Construction Specifications Institute, the Engineers Joint Committee for Design and Construction (EJCDC), and Caltrans. Agencies will often have a standard upfront document drafted by their legal teams available for us to modify. We also have standard forms we tailor for individual clients if they do not have their own.

Upfront documents cover a wide range of information regarding the construction management of a project, including insurance, working days, dispute procedures, the process for damages and missed deadlines, forms for advertising and general agreements, and bid schedules.

The General Contract Conditions are the bulk of the contract’s language and define the terms of the agreement. Many agencies maintain a supplementary General Conditions section so they can add or change additional terms without adjusting the main document.

Technical Specifications

Technical Specifications define and describe the project details and requirements not covered in the upfronts or plans.

  • Part 1 is the general description section which includes related work specified elsewhere and submittals (what the contractor provides to confirm their work meets the agency’s requirements).
  • Part 2 covers materials and varies widely depending on the specifications of the project. It can detail anything from types of metal, bolts, and flanges to gaskets and painting.
  • Part 3 is the “execution” section. While it is usually the shortest section, it can become lengthy if the project requires more details.

Read our blog on Construction Management to learn how the next stage of a client’s project is completed.

Blog author and Principal Engineer, Jon Hanlon, PE, AMPP

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